Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Football Food

My first post! Whew...I have to say I am a little nervous. I will start by saying that I realize I have poor grammar and bad spelling. So here goes...

The national chamionship game was last night. Robert told me he wanted to throw a football party. My first thought of course was- what to cook? We decided with it being such a late game and questionable turnout, finger foods would suffice.  He requested Rotel Dip, his favorite, which I will spare you any pictures of. It looks like vomit- but the boys love it. I also made pigs in the blanket, which is a crowd pleaser and even with 3 packs of lil' smokies still wasn't near enough. I decided to try to make homemade jalapeno hummus. Publix makes some that I absolutely love. Mine didn't turn out so hot- but I of course ate it anyway and had garlic breath all night long (oops).
 My winner of a recipe for the night was dessert- imagine that! I decided to try a recipe from Pinterest called

Pretzel Peanut Butter Bites.

{recipe courtesy of Foodaphilia}

1 cup creamy peanut butter
2 tbsp softened butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar {maybe more}
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 bag  semi-sweet chocolate chips

Combine peanut butter and softened butter in a large bowl with a fork or whisk, or in a stand mixer.  Add the sugars and mix to combine.  At this point if the filling will roll easily into balls without sticking to your hands you’re ready to go.  If not, add a little more of each sugar until you reach a consistency that is easy to roll. I needed more powdered sugar to make them a little less sticky.

Roll each portion into a small ball, then sandwich them between two whole pretzels.  When all the balls are rolled and successfully sandwiched, stick the whole tray in the freezer for about half an hour.

Pour the chocolate chips into a microwave safe bowl and heat at 30-second intervals, stirring occasionally until completely melted.  Remove the pretzel sandwiches from the freezer and quickly dip each half-way into the melted chocolate.  Return to the tray and repeat with remaining sandwiches.  When all are dipped- place in regrigerator to set.

These were a hit. It's hard to go wrong with a sweet and salty mix. Even my innocent, underfed, attention-starved beagle decided to have a few when everyone walked outside at half-time. Imagine that...


  1. Yay you have a blog and I get to be the first to comment!!!! Yay I will be stalking you :)

  2. Now you need one so I can stalk you! :)
