Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Brownie Cookies

These little babies have taken over the Isabel household today. I have made three...you read that right...three batches of these. In one day. Three. I have no self control.

Here is the recipe...

  • 1 snack sized box Duncan Hines fudge brownie mix
  • 1 snack sized bag Betty Crocker chocolate chip cookie mix

1. Prepare each mix separately as directed per package instructions.
2. Pour brownie mix into greased 8x8 pan.
3. Drop generous rounded tablespoons of cookie dough onto brownie mix (do not mix)
4. Bake according to package instructions or to desired consistency

You read that correctly. This is a total cheater recipe. I don't know the time because I was too busy drooling into the oven and preparing a plate/fork for my delicious treat baking in front of me. I honestly checked them about half way through and almost pulled them out and ate the hot fudgy under baked cookie dough/brownie mix. I was very close. Once they did come out of the oven, all self control was lost. Oh well. They were totally worth it!

On another note, I have lots of great veggies on the way from my garden. Hopefully the nutrition from these veggies with counteract the damage that this super simple recipe will be doing in our home. I took some pictures of the garden, but am having trouble getting some of them to upload. I started these little snap peas from seeds and they have taken off. Good thing because snap peas are my absolute favorite and they are expensive little suckers!
Snap peas hanging out on the front porch

These hydrangeas were absolutely beautiful last year but the plant looked terrible after they finished blooming. I needed to prune it, but I am no good with flowers/plants and never did. I was convinced it was a goner this year. What a wonderful surprise it was to walk out today and see this! 

I also found a not so great surprise while in the backyard today. Apparently I have an unwanted garden hand (or paw). I noticed while I was in the garden I had some curious onlookers that wanted to know what was going on that they couldn't help with. Apparently when I came back inside, they investigated further...

I wonder who it was...

Luckily for them, they made up for broken flower baskets with a sweet mother's day card delivery this past Sunday. I was cooking breakfast and in walks the "herd."
Special delivery!

I love how this picture (besides the mess in the background) depicts their personalities. Tebow looks totally guilty of something. Which was probably accurate. Brantley is just being sweet and doing what he was told..."take mom the card, take mom the card." Nim apparently heard the word "sit." She is like a machine. If she hears sit her butt hits the ground so fast and stays there! Attention!

My card had a puppy on the front that said "Ruff" next to it. On the inside it read "That's what life would be like without a mom like you!" What a sweet bunch of puppies!

Hope everyone has a great week!

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